Get to know | Ambassador | Ashlea Jay

Get to know | Ambassador | Ashlea Jay



Get to know Ashlea Jay….


Where are you from?
Harvey, WA

When did you start riding?
We grew up with horses, so as a toddler.

Why did you start riding?
My love for horses as a child continued through to adulthood, I always loved horses but my passion for women and horses together came after I became a mum. I lost my confidence and way with horses and wasn’t sure where it all fitted. Once I met my mentor Sandi Simons, I knew that was were I belonged. I wanted to be able to make the connection between horses and humans easier for both parties to understand and I feel the training system I learnt from David and Sandi Simons does just that. My goal now is to continue sharing my knowledge with all horse enthusiasts, to help women reach their goals in life and in horses, as well as to keep producing safe, responsive ridding horses from trail to performance.

First graduated Sandi Simons trainer in WA

Compete in colt starting competitions, start travelling internationally helping others with their horses in any way I can, start competing in a few disciplines.

Who or what inspires you?
My clients, my friends, mums, strong women everywhere fighting their own demons that they don’t deserve without complaints. My partner Rhys Morrissey, he inspires me every day to be a better trainer, coach, horsewomen and person... he pushes me to achieve my best (whether I want him to push me that day or not haha). My beautiful trainer Sandi Simons, without her I wouldn’t be where I am today, she also pushes me to achieve my goals and passed them, I look at what an amazing horsewomen, friend and person she is and I want to be and do better everyday... as does her husband David Simons. My son, every day I look at him and he inspires me to reach further, push harder, do whatever I can do to make him proud I am his mum, to bring him more joy.

Favourite Inspirational Quote
When you count your blessings count your horse twice.

Community Involvement
Donate my services to local horse events as prizes.

Other Hobbies

Secrets for success
Don't be afraid to fail, if you have a passion for it just keep trying. People who believe it you, a support system is invaluable.